


This policy applies to the print and media collections of Dwight Marvin 图书馆. 储备流通单独处理.

I. 借款资格

  1. HVCC学生
    学生 currently enrolled in HVCC credit courses, EOC, and College in the High School. Must present a valid HVCC ID (or a government-issued photo ID and proof of registration).
  2. 员工
    Current employees, emeriti, retirees, and College in the High School faculty. Must present a valid HVCC ID (or a government-issued photo ID with proof of employee status).
  3. 礼貌的借款人
    1. 高级研究中心的学生
      学生 completing bachelor's degree study on the HVCC campus with a partner institution (Plattsburgh, SUNYIT, Cazenovia) with presentation of a current college ID and government-issued photo ID. 资格有效期至本学期结束.
    2. HVCC 员工发展 and 社区教育 students
      Participants (18 years of age and older) in credit-free programs. Must present government-issued photo ID and proof of registration. 资格有效期至本学期结束.
    3. SUNY开放获取
      学生 and employees of SUNY universities and colleges with current borrower status in library system. Must present current college ID and government-issued photo ID. 资格有效期至本学期结束.
    4. 伦斯勒县居民
      Adult residents (18 years of age and older) of Rensselaer County. Must present current government-issued photo ID showing place of residence. 资格有效期为一年.
    5. Capital District 图书馆 Council (CDLC) Direct Access Program
      符合资格借款类别的个人 CDLC DAP指南. Must present current DAP card and government-issued photo ID. 资格有效期至本学期结束.
    6. 校友
      HVCC学位课程毕业生. Requires degree verification by library staff during regular business hours. 资格有效期为一年 (renewed after verification of current address).
    7. 其他
      Eligibility may be extended to other individuals at the discretion of the Head of Access Services, 图书馆馆长或其他学院官员.

II. 借款规定

学生最多可同时贷款10项, 员工20项, 还有三个项目是为礼貌的借款者准备的.

流通物品可亲自更新, 通过电话, 或者在有时间的时候, online; non-circulating, 储备或其他物品(设备), 键, 等.)可能不会续签.

For circulating collections [Note exclusions designated below]

Details for circulating collections borrowing regulations
类别 借期 最大 续签
学生 16周或学期结束 0
员工 16周 3
礼貌 30天 1


类别 借期 最大 续签
学生 30天 1
员工 30天 1
礼貌 30天 0

For non-circulating collections (reference, archives, periodicals, 等.)

Details for non-circulating collections borrowing regulations
类别 借期 最大 续签
学生 0 0
员工 By special permission from librarian or library director
礼貌 0 0


Varies by category and described in specific policies or loan agreements or as posted at service desk.


看到单独的 储备流通政策.

3. 逾期、遗失和损坏的物品

Items borrowed must be returned to Dwight Marvin 图书馆 by the due date; it is the borrower's responsibility to know the due date of items on loan. 应要求,我们通过电子邮件提供回执. Borrowers are encouraged to return items directly to the service desk; a 24-hour book return bin is provided as a courtesy. Overdue items are items that have not been returned or renewed by the due date. 每件借阅物品收费:

For circulating collections (including designated media)

Details of fines and replacement costs for circulating collections
类别 滞纳金 重置成本
学生 没有一个 $70
员工 没有一个 逾期一年70美元
礼貌 没有一个 $70

For non-circulating or other items (iPads, equipment, 键, 等.)

Details of fines and replacement costs for non-circulating collections
类别 滞纳金 重置成本
学生 根据具体贷款协议的定义


看到单独的 储备流通政策.

Borrowers are charged replacement cost on the first day an item is overdue and borrowing privileges are blocked until the overdue item is returned. For student borrowers, fees are posted to the BANNER system. The replacement cost is removed in any of the following conditions:

  1. the item is returned in good condition; or,
  2. 现提供一份完好无损的精确副本. The replacement must be pre-approved by the Head of Access Services, 图书馆 Director, or designee.
  3. the item is returned in good condition after payment of a replacement cost; a refund for the replacement cost is issued by the Cashier's Office.

Damaged items are items returned in unusable condition based on negligent use. 疏忽造成损坏的常见原因包括水, 烟, 食品/饮料, 宠物, and permanent or extensive mark-up from highlighters or other implements. The determination of irreplaceable damage will be made by a librarian, 图书馆馆长, 或指定的,不能上诉. 损坏的物品需要更换.

学生 borrowing privileges are suspended until library fees are paid. Employee borrowing privileges are suspended until replacement costs are paid; unpaid library fees will be noted on employee exit checklists. 礼貌 borrowing privileges are suspended until library fees are paid. There is no expiration date for responsibility for replacement cost of lost/damaged material. Borrowing privileges may be suspended and other penalties imposed for HVCC学生 with unpaid library fees incurred from transactions completed as a courtesy borrower.

逾期收费或罚款, lost or damaged items are applied not only to items borrowed from Dwight Marvin 图书馆, but also to items borrowed using interlibrary loan services or from other HVCC reciprocal borrowing services including SUNY开放获取 and CDLC Direct Access Program.

IV. 流通记录的保密性

The Dwight Marvin 图书馆 is bound by New York State Law (New York Civil Practice Law and Rules, 第4509节), which defines the confidentiality of library circulation records and restricts disclosure of such records.

最近更新一月. 18, 2013
修改后的1月. 2017年24日纳入媒体
修改后的2月. 21, 2019 in alignment with SUNY Libraries Consortium policy
Revised May 4, 2022 in alignment with revised New York State policy

Approved by Dean of Retention and Instructional Support Services
Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President 政府 & 金融
